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Claiming Your Rightful Place in Career & Life: It’s Time for Your Story to Be Told


Updated: May 14, 2023

I know what you’re going through, lady. You don’t have to hide your struggle from me because I’ve sat where you’re sitting now.

As I was making my way through college, studying accounting and business management, no one ever taught me or talked to me about the human dynamics of working in corporate America. As a result of that, I was able to do my job, however, I struggled with building a progressive career.

The strategic behaviors required to move to the next level were foreign to me. I thought that as long as I did my job and did it well – I’d be rewarded with acknowledgement and promotion. Not so. I believe that if I had a mentor who was genuinely interested in helping me to develop, coupled with some professional development courses, the trajectory of my career would have progressed upward rather than flatlining.

I learned lots of lessons along the way, but I always felt like I was two steps behind.

Have you ever felt like that? You’re constantly looking for new ways to stand out in your organization, but you feel stuck. You want to move up in your career, but don’t know what steps to take to advance. You’re constantly looking for new initiatives to tackle, and yet, you’re still sitting in a conference room (Or Zoom meeting these days) listening to someone who doesn’t do half of what you do or get the results that you get. You think “I’ve been working all this time on these projects and yet the recognition still isn’t there? When is it going to be my time?”

It’s because I’ve had these exact same thoughts that I made a decision to be the help I needed and desired. My God-given purpose is to motivate, encourage and inspire; so instead of solely focusing on building my corporate career, I recommitted myself to serving others.

As a creative and influencer with over 21 years and three presidential awards in the luxury automotive space, I have earned my stripes and garnered first hand experience and knowledge to help my clients win. I’ve executed, planned, and provided guidance on a plethora of multi-million dollar projects, programs, and systems for my organization.

As a success advocate, professional mentor, speaker, writer, workshop facilitator and event host, I have committed my efforts towards encouraging and supporting emerging and transitioning professional women. I am leading a wholistic success movement, encompassing professional development, mentorship and custom curated opportunities for women to connect, share and grow.

Organizing, preparing, and implementing calculated action steps that create cohesive, purposeful, and impactful Women in Leadership Summits is only one of the many events that I have successfully executed. With over two hundred attendees, and growing, I've established leadership development programs for new employees and mid-level managers where owning the room like a boss is the name of the game.

I’ve also developed leadership development programs, mentoring programs, and scheduled and executed company-wide strategic awareness workshops for thousands of employees.

I’ve seen first hand the impact women leaders have and the success they bring to organizations and companies nationwide. I know the impact you can have in your vocation and in your life, but with some guidance and support, you have to lead it there.

The course and quality of your life will be determined by you leading it there. This is where the majority of corporate and professional women misunderstand where to start: You start with you. You don’t practice with your subordinates or people assigned to you. You start by practicing on you. And if you will listen to you, you’ll have no problem convincing someone else to listen to you. My story is more common than one might think and it’s time for that story to be told. For every woman I’m able to help, a story is being told. For every woman I’m able to connect with, a story is being told. For every woman who walks away whole, a story is being told. Working with me is about more than just professional development, it’s about transformation and claiming your rightful place in career and life. Getting to this point in my life and business was not easy. Not having all the answers presented challenges and being seen as a competitive threat came with setbacks and detours. Tapping into the resiliency of my mother’s example kept me in the game. The challenges I encountered forced me to be patient and resourceful; in my challenge I had to figure “it” out. As hard as it was, I had to remember that my calling was bigger than me and I couldn’t do this alone. That’s why I created a community of like minded women that uplift and support each other in career, business and life: Corporate Girl Network. In this community, you’ll be able to network, build your skills, and enjoy FREE masterminds. Get ready to expand your network while engaging in some fun social experiences and discussions all curated for you. Plus, you’ll have access to customized personal and professional development opportunities designed to motivate, encourage, and inspire transformational growth. If you’re trying to conquer corporate, click here to join Corporate Girl Network: Inspiring Success Through Mentorship & Community. We’ll be waiting for you there!

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