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Stop Being a Boss! Be a Leader. Discover the 4 Qualities to Being an Effective Leader
As a woman, I love empowering other women, like yourself, to not only see their potential but manifest it as well. Many corporate women...

History Maker or Rebel? You Can Be Both! It’s Time to Break the Mold
I’m getting ready to tell you something about yourself that you probably didn’t know. Are you ready? You, lady, are a disruptor. “Wait,...

It’s Time to Battle! How to Defeat The TRUE Enemies of Corporate Battle
Although you bring knowledge and experience and you challenge basic thinking - you seem to be getting boxed in by others who think they...

The 3x Award-Winning Strategy You Absolutely Need to Conquer Corporate America
Listen up, lady! We’re taking Corporate America head-on. March is a significant month where we highlight the amazing accomplishments of...

Ladies, No More Waiting! Find Your Voice and Leave Your Mark
Where’s your voice? I’m not talking about the one people say you should have or the voice that you think you should have. Where is YOUR...

Claiming Your Rightful Place in Career & Life: It’s Time for Your Story to Be Told
I know what you’re going through, lady. You don’t have to hide your struggle from me because I’ve sat where you’re sitting now. As I was...

Red Light. Green Light. 3 Ways to Know if You Should Consider a Move
During my 20-year corporate career, I’ve seen a plethora of women - including myself - stay in this one place in their careers that hurts...

Are They The One? 3 Key Elements to Look for In A Mentor
Let’s get to it: Lady, you need a mentor. If you want to develop and grow in your corporate career, mentorship is a crucial element. As a...

Move to Your Next Level in Corporate America by Collecting These 4 Types of Connections
When you think of networking, you may start thinking of LinkedIn contacts, people you meet and give your business cards to, or people...

The Best 5 Steps to Overcome Imposter Syndrome for Executive Women
If you’ve never had imposter syndrome (more than likely you have, but haven’t noticed it), this is what I’m referring to: It’s when you...

How God Took Me From A Managerial Failure to Two President's Awards
Exposed. Embarrassed. Not good enough. These are all the things I felt in a season in my life where I felt like I hit rock bottom in my...

Anxiety in Advancement: How God Opened A Tactical Opportunity After 21 Years
My anxiety level is on 10! “What if I fail? What if I can’t perform up to an optimum level? What if something comes up that I have no...

Grace & Grind: Reaching the Abundant Life with These 5 Easy Steps
Another year is almost in the history books, and I’m finding myself both encouraged and tired, all at the same time. During this season,...

5 Guaranteed Ways You Can Own The Room Like A Boss
You’re a dangerous weapon. Did you know that? It is said that a person who knows how may always have a job, but the person who knows why...

Stop Limiting Yourself! Three Things You Absolutely Must Stop Doing In 2020
We may be approaching the end of the year, lady, but 2020 isn't over yet, and neither are the things you can accomplish. There are some...

“For Such A Time As This” 3 Key Elements You Need to Walk Boldly Into 2021
We have made it through what many believe to be one of the longest and toughest years to date. But, guess what, lady? You did make it. On...

She Speaks Life!
We are set to connect and collaborate on Sunday, December 1st at the Jam Box in Dallas. Prepare to be immersed into a positive...

No More Silence! Taking The Tape Off of Corporate America
I confess: I tipped toed around racial topics previously to avoid conflict. I can’t anymore. When the George Floyd tragedy happened, I...

Discover 3 Proven Steps to Actually Be a Leader Without the Title
You don’t have to hide your struggle from me, lady. I know what you’re going through. You’re constantly looking for new ways to stand out...

Wrong Shoes! 3 Reasons You're Not Actually Walking In Leader's Shoes
There is an immense deal of public interest in ensuring that more women become leaders in their workplace. Most Americans find women...
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